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Pay As You Go

Includes 24/7 GYM access 7 days a week.

No set up fee. NO LOCK-IN CONTRACT!

Student discounts also available.

Membership Options

Pay As You Go - GYM access + Group classes

No joining fees. 24/7 access 7 days a week. Includes all group fitness classes. NO LOCK-IN CONTRACT!


Pay in advance GYM access- 6 or 12 Months Membership

Includes 24/7 GYM access 7 days a week.

No set up fee.

Pay in advance GYM+Classes - 6 or 12 Months Membership

No joining fees. 24/7 access 7 days a week. Includes all group fitness classes.

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10 Visitor Pass 

You can use this pass to access the group classes or access the Gym during the staffed hours. 

Casual Visits

We offer single casual visits for 1 Week, 2 weeks or 1 Month GYM access.

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